One-on-One Support

3 Month Transformational Mentorship

Growth work & Accountability


I spend a lot of time producing free content, aimed to support everyone no matter where they are on their path, via my podcast and social media platforms.

This container is designed for those that have the desire and means to dive deeper. Each mentorship is different dependent upon the needs of the individual. When I work with someone 1-on-1, they have my full presence and I do everything within my power to help facilitate true transformation and breakthroughs for the being in front of me.

First comes a new level of awareness, but a change in your reality comes from a change in behavior, and only you can do that. I provide awareness and accountability, you match it with your dedication to who you’re becoming.

This 3 month mentorship container is designed to help you gain clarity in your life & become the most liberated, expressed and actualized version of yourself.


  • 3 Month Container focusing on Self Realization & Self Actualization

  • 60-90 Minute Sessions with André

  • A Customized Approach to Your Needs

  • Weekly Growth Work & Reflections

Self Realization

Waking up beyond the illusory nature of the minds projections and tapping back into your innate essence which is inherently pregnant with love, abundance and freedom.

Breaking free from the constraints you’ve gathered. Dissolving any disempowering beliefs about yourself and misperceptions about reality that are preventing you from experiencing clarity, lightness and peace in your every day life.

Self Actualization

Getting clarity on your individual gifts, strengths, values, desires, goals and visoneering the ideal life you want to build for yourself, and why.

Once we have clarity on what it is you truly want (not just what you thought you wanted), we then reverse engineer a gameplan to take action and actualize it into your life.

Life is about both discovering yourself and creating yourself. Time spent on self-actualization is about how to craft the life for yourself that feels most exciting to you.

This container is the most intimate and direct way to get support from me and is reserved for people who are ready and feel called to invest the time, energy and financial resources required for sustained transformation. For this reason, I only take on a select few at a time and the investment is in the low 5 figure range. Consider it a 3 month investment that pays dividends for the rest of your life.


To work one-on-one with André, apply for a discovery call.

André works with a select few people at a time

The life you’ve always dreamed of is closer than you think. You are indeed the only thing holding yourself back. The deeper you know yourself - the less fear of the unknown you will have because you know that what you’re made of can handle anything that life throws your way.

May there be light in your life, both within and without.